Monday, 5 December 2011

Sushi, Crepes, Village du Noel, Fernando's 22nd, Camillo's 25th, & Saint Nicholas ESN

Hello One and All!

As can be expected, now that we are nearing the end of exchange and have managed to actually solidify some friendships, the invitations for dinner parties and birthdays keep rolling in. In the last week and a half I have attended a homemade sushi night (hosted by an Italian and a German) that was followed by wandering the Christmas Market, a Spanish birthday party (where the host insisted on cooking everything himself), a homemade crepe night (where the French host made crepes for 40 people and hosted us all in his bedroom), a Brazilian birthday party (hosted for a friend by two Polish) and a secret Santa-esque/Saint Nicholas night.

It has just been so phenomenal getting to know all the different cultural traditions and trying all the different dishes. What I would give to get this kind of experience back home on a regular basis!

Sushi at Martina & Marco's :)

Pretty good, right?

There was a Canada stall at the Christmas Market selling poutine!
Martina (Germany), Teo (Italy), Camillo (Brazil) and Amanda (Brazil)
could hardly believe what a heart attack on a plate it is :P

And of course you run into everyone you know at the Christmas Market.
This is 3 distinct groups of Erasmus who all collided almost simultaneously.
Spanish Birthday: Fernando cutting into the Hello Kitty cake his roommates got him.
In typical Spanish style, the dinner didn't start until after 23h.
Unfortunately, I am waiting on the pictures of Camillo's birthday but suffice it to say there was lots of loud awful Karaoke and some delicious traditional Brazilian appetizers.

Moving on!

Nutella, jam, PB, bananas, pineapple... people brought anything and everything to throw on there.

Amanda (Brazil), me, and our host/chef Charles (France). Just 3 of 40 people.
And moving on once again!

Everyone had to spend 5 euros or less on a gift. I got a lovely little Christmas tin which I was happy with.
There were definitely some less than desirable items brought...a friend from Sweden ended up with what can only be described as a toy stuffed penis that has ridiculous face and vibrates for 10 second bursts. She was not impressed.
The white coat I'm holding is signed by all my Erasmus buddies.
The students decorate them and go around the streets asking for money.
People actually give it to them too! I have yet to go begging but I wanted the signatures.

Everyone always rushes to squeeze in when they see pictures being taken :)

That is the brief summary of the last little while! Classes are almost over and projects and exams are coming hurtling at as from left, right, and center. Finally actually feeling busy.

I can't believe I only have 18 days left in Liege. It makes me sad to be done exchange but I am incredibly motivated to return home. Truth be told, I've already started looking at studies, exchanges, and internships abroad for the future.

Lots of love,


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