Friday, 23 November 2012

Chocolate Dipping & School Wrapping Up

Hey Gang,

Today is November 23rd. How did this happen?!

I've already done my first group assignment presentation, booked all my final exam slots, finished all non-semester exams as of last Tuesday, and have two weeks left of classes. Only two group projects, two labs, and 5 exams to go until the semester is over for me. My last exam is December 13th and then we're on to Christmas holidays! In the meantime, here's a fun little ditty. This was a quiz I had in my biomechanics class. You had to use the software to make your model do two swings and land a triple flip combination. It's a lot harder than you'd think. You have to account for the motion of each joint in every single frame, find the right release time, and make sure your little buddy doesn't land on his face. Our prof is marking by international standards which means points are lost for bad technique and falling but also granted for aesthetics, sticking the landing, and the higher the difficulty, the more points your tricks are worth. Fun, hey?

(It is easier to see what's going on if you make it full screen by clicking on the box in the bottom right corner of the video player)

One other exciting piece of news: My physiology professor asked me if I wanted to do an independent study with her next semester. What this boils down to is I will be earning credits to help her with her research. Pretty sweet gig! I'm also pretty stoked because generally independent studies are student driven where you have to come up with a study idea or literature review topic, approach a professor, request that they supervise you, and do all the leg work to make it happen. I'm really quite honored that she said she had "had [me] in mind" for this project. We're working out the details now but I'll let you know what the extent of the study will be. The professor is one of my favorite professors too - glad she thinks highly of me as well!

Other fun news, last weekend I was in Calgary to do annual Burt Family Chocolate making. Yay! My grandparents, my brother, a family friend, and myself spent a good 9 hours in the kitchen up to our elbows in chocolate, fondant, nuts, coconut, and candies. As always it was great company, lots of laughs, lots of blood sugar spikes, and every year my technique gets a little better :) Here are the few pictures I snagged off my pa's iPhone. I'll post real camera pictures when I get them.

Not much counter space was left when all was said and done :) Happy problem to have!
My brother is amusing me just out of the frame :)

She's a pro! Been at it for 40 years!

Of course the Party Pants are appropriate attire for the occasion.

 Love to all and catch you after finals! :)
